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  • Monk fruit (also known as Luo Han Huo) is a tasty small, round, green fruit that is native to the curcubits family.

    This means its cousins are melons, cucumbers and squashes.

  • Monk fruit was first discovered and cultivated almost 800 years ago by buddhist monks in Southern China - also where its name came from.

  • Monk fruit is grown on orchards in the Guilin Mountains, Southern China.

    Hours away from the closest cities in clean air and unpolluted water.

  • Dependent on the extract quality, monk fruit can taste anywhere between 100 to 200x sweeter than sugar.

    However, most monk fruit products you get from shops are typically only 1% monk fruit, so the taste is entirely different to 100% monk fruit like Treason.

  • You can use it in the same way you use sugar, just in much lesser amounts.

    In the jar, there is a tiny spoon to accurately measure each serving.

    We recommend starting out by putting one serving at a time until you reach your desired amount of sweetness 🤤

  • The reason behind its sweetness is due to its bioactive compounds, mogrosides, that possess an intensely sweet flavour that's reminiscent of table sugar.

    Fun fact: studies show that mogrosides have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects. Meaning that it can actually be healthy to consume!

  • Like all agricultural activity, there will be some impact.

    However, monk fruit has a relatively low environmental impact compared with sugar as it requires less water and farmland to grow.

    The fruit is also grown using traditional farming methods, and we only use organic monk fruit so no pesticides and nasties (certification coming this year).

    Monk fruit is also a perennial crop, meaning it doesn't need to be planted yearly, which helps prevent soil erosion and improves soil health over time 🌱.

  • We're still compiling reviews as our website is really new. But feel free to check out our listing on

    You'll be able to find some reviews there!

  • You certainly can, we have a guide on our product page for substituting sugar in recipes.

    You don't have to go zero sugar, some of our customers will use half sugar/half monk fruit to start.

    Meaning a slice of chocolate cake will have around 20g of sugar rather than 40g which is a huge different in blood sugar.

    All of the sweetness, half of the guilt!